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W4CN 147.180 Repeater: UP       

WIRES-X Room (CQ-Louisville 21014): UP
WIRES-X Link/Node for 147.180: UP    

CQ-Lou YSF Reflector (42274): UP


  • Analog FM (W4CN-R 425970): UP
  • Digital C4FM (KE4JVM-R 634824): UP
    (Digital Echolink connects to CQ-Lou WIRES-X)

ALLStarLink:  Analog FM (Node 632280):  UP

ARTS Newsflash

If you are viewing on your phone:  This site is best viewed holding your phone in landscape mode. (Rotate phone for wider screen.)

  1. Next Club Meeting - Thursday, February 13th, 7:00 p.m.  Board Meeting same day at 6:30 p.m.  More info HERE.

  2. CLUB MEETING TIME CHANGE STARTING JANUARY! - Board meetings will start at 6:30 as usual, General Meetings will begin at 7:00 p.m. not 7:30.

  3. ** IMPORTANT NOTICE ** PAYING DUES FOR 2025 - As we transition to our new membership module (for this year only), if you are an ARTS Member and you have NOT paid your dues for 2025, please select the JOIN ARTS Club option in the User Menu and complete the Join ARTS process.  Do not use the Renew Membership option if you have not paid your 2025 dues yet. If you have already paid dues for the next year or beyond, please disregard, you need to do nothing further at this time.

  4.  NEW!! - We now have an ALLStarLink Node (632280) which connects to the FM Analog Mode of our Club Repeater (147.180Mhz).

Local HAM License Testing, click HERE.

ARTS Slide's

Setting Up Tower with Yagi Antenna
ARTS Club Summer Field Day
POTA General Butler State Park
Antenna Build and Fox Hunt
Antenna Build and Fox Hunt
Island Expedition Station
ARTS Club Embry Island Expedition, QSO Party - US Islands Awards Program (1st Place 2016 & 2nd Place 2020)
Antenna Build and Fox Hunt
Antenna Build and Fox Hunt
Antenna Build and Fox Hunt
Antenna Build and Fox Hunt
Winter Field Day
Winter Field Day
Winter Field Day
Winter Field Day

The Radio Amateur is:

  • Considerate…never knowingly uses the air in such a way to lessen the pleasure of others.
  • Loyal…offers loyalty, encouragement and support to their fellow radio amateurs, their local radio club, and to the American Radio Relay League, through which Amateur Radio is represented.
  • Progressive…with knowledge abreast of science. It is well-built and efficient. Operating practice is above reproach.
  • Friendly…slow and patient sending when requested, friendly advice and counsel to the beginner, kindly assistance, cooperation and consideration for the interests of others. These are marks of the amateur spirit.
  • Balanced…radio is their hobby. They never allow it to interfere with any of the duties they owe to their home, job, church, school, or community.
  • Patriotic…their knowledge and their station are always ready for the service of his country and their community.

Who wrote the Amateur’s Creed?

The Amateur Creed was composed in 1928 by Paul M. Segal – then 9EEA in Denver, and General Counsel of the ARRL. The creed has been updated a few times over the intervening years, to update the text and put it into contemporary terms.

The Amateur’s Creed appears in a number of ARRL publications such as the Handbook, and is just as valid today as it has been for nearly 70 years.